Understanding Lifestyle Coaching (Part 2)
Coaching has often been defined in many ways but these five simple points may help:
• Personal Development
• A Trusted Relationship
• Direction and Measured Expectations
• Accountability and;
• Results
Results… Yes ! and these results come about through a proven Designed Alliance process of Self Awareness, Vision, Focus, Fulfilment and Balance combined with these coaching model techniques:
• Curiosity
• Powerful Questions
• Listening
• Intuition
• Action | Learning
• Self-Management
I want to stress that coaching is NOT an “off the shelf solution”, far from it, it is an individually designed and resourced process for unique personal outcomes.
Will coaching work for you and will you get the type of personal development results and change you are looking for in your life ? The answer is a definite Yes… such results are possible, but they do require your effort, focus, patience and commitment… “How can I can I be so sure ?” you ask. The answer is in my belief and deep personal experience of proven results observed through years of application and practice with my clients.
Have a look at these stats:
• 80% of people already know where they need help
• A US Fortune 500 Company survey found that CEO’s reported coaching’s ROI was 6 Times its cost.
• As a follow-up to training, coaching produced an 88% increase in productivity when compared to training alone.
Source: Management Consulting News, Manchester Consulting Group Study, International Personnel Management Association
While the individual managers in the study on the right went through a coaching process, the effect of increased self-awareness and implemented strategies affected their closest co-workers as well. Supervisors, peers, and subordinates reported higher satisfaction with work, with co-workers, and with their supervisor. And any intentions to leave the organization decreased. This study examined 20 managers with 67 co-workers. That is a total of 87 people who experienced more satisfaction at work.
Cultural change in action !
Source: Peterson, S., & Luthans, F. (2003). 360-degree feedback with systematic coaching: Empirical analysis suggests a winning combination. Human Resource Management, 42, 243-256.
What is evident is that coaching can produce the results you are looking for in your life. And when thinking about a coach, it is important to remember that the outcomes affect more than yourself. Everyone you interact with will experience benefits as well. This aspect is one that is often overlooked but so often commented on by my clients… it’s the dramatic ripple effect on others… sometimes referred to as Precession. Everyone knows the effect of dropping a stone into a pond. So maybe you’re just thinking about the benefits to yourself at this moment ? You might want to consider your family, loved ones, friends and work colleagues… your growth could be making a difference in their lives as well ! Something to think about…

Have a look at these stats:
• 80% of people already know where they need help
• A US Fortune 500 Company survey found that CEO’s reported coaching’s ROI was 6 Times its cost.
• As a follow-up to training, coaching produced an 88% increase in productivity when compared to training alone.
Source: Management Consulting News, Manchester Consulting Group Study, International Personnel Management Association
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